As most natural blondes like me know, we always experiment with brown hair but always revert back to blonde! I always loved isabel lucas with blonde hair when she was on home and away, now she has gone back to blonde from chocolate brown.
what do you think?
People have been negative about it but if you have ever gone back from brown you will know it takes a while from when it is first done settle into a natural colour. Although I kind of like it that blonde!
And yes...I am aware her face is quite overbronzed.
wowwww poor girl those cameras probably make the orange-ness worse! i must say i loved her chocolate hair, but i'm a sucker for brown hair and green eyes!
I am a natural blonde, and wouldn't dream of dying my hair.. it seems natural blondes above the age of 10 are a bit of a rarity. And yes that is way too much bronzer/fake tan, yikes!
I like the blonde. The color looks great considering. I tried going blonde from dyed brown (my natural is brown but I enhanced) and it was a mess!!
ahhh wish I had the balls to take the plunge to the blonde side...
ohhhh no! she was always so naturally beautiful on home and away!
I hope she did it for a movie role! So much better brown!
she looked SO much better with that golden chocolate brown colour she had at the transformers premier. but, no matter what hair colour, she is always so fake tanned that i cant stand looking at her.
would kill for her bod though!
yes I remember her golden locks in H&A...I am not sure now though...I must say I think the brown with her eyes was an amazing combo. but like you said...once we are used to the blonde we will all probs beg her to never go brown again. just one of those things!
xxxx Bel
God nooooooo! Terrible. She looks so much better with brown hair... and her real tan... :D
mmm i prefer her as a brunette... and she´s way too orange here so i can´t really apreciate the blonde thing..
I think it looks great. I've gone really dark and back again quite a few times now, but decided to stick to blonde once and for all! I do think some brunettes look better blonde, though for some strange reason.
you can't really tell because her
skin looks so orange. Maybe the blonde hair suits her natural skin, but now it looks terrible.
I have done the blonde to brown to blonde too! i have to say though, Isabel Lucas looks amazing as a brunette and when she has brown hair i think she can pull off the over bronzed look ALOT better than this. When it gets back to her natural blonde all those bashers will change their minds! HOPEFULLY she eases up on the tan too
NOOO sorry, i love her but not her hair. that blonde is a bit harsh
the poor thing, i feel her pain...going thru this very transformation atm. she's still gorgeous tho, tash was the best x
hmm, not very flattering here. don't know why she needs to go so overboard with makeup or tanning she is naturally very beautiful.
she's pretty blonde, but i think she looks more striking as a brunette.
Much prefer her blonde, also looks like she got in a fight with orange paint, and lost.
eeeep Orange!
I just recently coloured my hair brown... I had been blonde my whole life! Immediately after I had it done, I hated it so much, then after about 3 weeks I finally came round... now I really like it! So sometimes sticking it out for just a little while longer can make you appreciate your new look. (also I think the colour faded a little so it now looks more natural hehe)
eeeep Orange!
I just recently coloured my hair brown... I had been blonde my whole life! Immediately after I had it done, I hated it so much, then after about 3 weeks I finally came round... now I really like it! So sometimes sticking it out for just a little while longer can make you appreciate your new look. (also I think the colour faded a little so it now looks more natural hehe)
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